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Monday, June 29, 2009

Now you do not need to advertise your blog just adgitize

From now onwards do not waste your time and money in advertising on various sites and blog you can easily increase your site or blog traffic with adgitize with just 50 cents/day and not only that even you can earn by advertising .No other site offers such a thing. In this advertising site of adgitize I am sure you are going to increase traffic to your site because of the construction of the system.If the publisher who has signed with adgitize has to earn more points and $$$ he has to compulsarily click on the adds displayed on various blogs across the site and they allot maximum of 100 points for add clicks so if all the publishers try to click on the adds displayed then you would get approximately 1000-2000 visitors/day as these many publishers are there in adgitize .Even if you go by least then also atleast 100-200/visitors will visit your new totally new site or blog and it will be ranking in top in alexa and due to increased number of visitors it will become search engine friendly and you will get furthermore visitors from that.
What next you can even earn from your blog site if you also regsiter as publisher and for advertisors adgitize is giving extra points for add views and page views and fixed 100 advertisor points so you can earn more and more in both ways by advertising and by becoming publisher.

Adgitize works in following manner
It is point based system which helps you to earn credit points for visiting the blogs/sites
It is classified into 5 channels which yeild you points (100X5=500 ) maximum possible points
1) Page view points
2) Add view Points
3) Article points
4) Advertisor points
5) Add click points

If you wish to make more points on the adgitize then you can make in following simple manner

Just post an article a day in your blog and get full 100 points
Click on the adgitize adds displayed on the blogs or sites and click upto 100 to get 100 add click points
Join entrecard and drop on the places where you see drop button and increase your traffic to the blog and thus increase your add view and page view points to maximum.
Advertise on adgitize at 50cents/day and get 100 advertiser points everyday
you can easily easly score more than 300 points which would earn you approximately 0.54cents/day which is equivalent to what you had invested in advertising at adgitize and if you have more traffic on your blog then you can easily mamage to get around 400 points/day which will earn your more than 1$/day which will be profit for you .

Thus by adgitize you can earn by advertising and get full exposure to the blogs and sites across the web making your unknown site to be famous .

You have to display such type of adds.
you can check it out yourself
Adgitize your web site.

Adgitize your web site.

So from now onwards you do not advertise but adgitize

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